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Saturday, November 19, 2011

What It Takes

If you have a dream, a calling or even a desire to see some level of success in a specific area of life, keep reading this blog. I’m not going to talk to you about “power thoughts” or even having the right contacts to make things happen in your life. I want to go deeper into an area where big callings, big dreams and big plans must rest. It is impossible to succeed in any arena without this one element and yet it’s the least talked about of all the character traits.

“Difficult things take a long time, impossible things a little longer.” ~André A. Jackson

Perseverance is one of the most dreaded words in the English language. I mean, who wants to persevere when we can have what we want right now? Why not move onto something less valuable …but in the present? It’s a silly question that sadly reflects a way of life for so many, myself included. But it’s time to count the cost.

"Faith is building on what you know is here, so you can reach what you know is there." Cullen Hightower

I am a visual person so analogies help me to understand things. Imagine that your calling, dream, destiny or current desire is waiting for you at the top of a very long staircase. For the point of this exercise, you are at the bottom. The only way to get to the top is by taking one step at a time (believe it or not, this is where it gets tricky.) Most of us have what it takes to get about half way up the staircase in our own strength and will power. But soon enough, the climb becomes less and less enjoyable. The steps seem steeper and farther apart. Our efforts seem to take more and more sacrifice and pain inflicted on our flesh becomes the new focal point instead of what actually awaits us at the top of the stairs. Thoughts begin to streamline like rain pounding on dry ground. “This is too hard. No one should have to go through all of this for…THAT. I don’t need a promotion, that job, a better relationship, better health, better…whatever this badly!” And if we’re not careful, we can slowly begin the journey back down the staircase. Do this too many times and unbeknownst to ourselves, we create a habit of giving up.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” -Thomas Edison

You must first ask yourself, if what waits at the top of the staircase worth the effort? The wisdom of counting the costs is huge in any life decision. There are always easier, less rewarding options. Most people quit and settle for a diluted form of what they could be or could have in life.

“when you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place”-anonymous

I look at people who have been married for 30 years or others who have been with a particular company for decades. They have somehow managed to avoid the pitfalls of quitting or even losing sight of what matters to them. Don’t get me wrong, everyone and I do mean everyone wants to quit from time to time. We all have our breaking points and moments when “the prize” seems more like a sick joke that stretches and tears at our soul for no apparent reason. Those moments are called “growth” and they are often painful. They are also to be treasured for the harvest persevering in those times will bring. Character isn’t given, it is developed. Perseverance isn’t asked for, it’s demanded. It requires more than we are willing to give and yet has the ability to release more than we ever wanted (if our focus is on the right things, of course). The old expression of “blood, sweat and tears” is really just another way of saying, “I persevered.”

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another." Walter Elliottt

Life isn’t a race, it is a journey. Success really does come one step at a time. The bible says when you’ve done all you can do; stand. In other words, keep praying and stay until He tells you to move forward or retreat, but don’t quit. He will use you (if you allow Him to) if you don’t give up. Prayer alone will usher in God’s grace to further the distance and sometimes, even breathe new life into a dying perspective. I would also recommend surrounding yourself with people who have reached the top of their staircase and claimed the coveted prize. Depending on where we are in life, we can have several of these scenarios going at one time. But the ones that require more from us will always stand out ahead of the rest. We will have a lifetime of decisions to make and rewards to reap that revolve our ability to stick with something or not. The good news is that it does get easier. It’s never comfortable or convenient, but it won’t always be an agonizing experience either. We must push past our feelings of doubt, weariness, hopelessness, and short-sighted desires. The reward will come to those who continue to climb through discouragement and reach for their prize. It will come and the person who YOU become while staggering to the top will far outweigh the prize you were reaching for in the first place.

"There is no point at which having arrived we can remain." Anonymous