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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Born to Be Different

What if you were created to burn with passion and joy beyond anything you could ever hope or imagine? What if that inner voice that whispers, “there’s something more…” is actually a powerful fire waiting to burn throughout your soul and spur you to destiny? And what if you were created to be set apart with talents and skills unmatched by anyone in this world?
“You were born an original. Don't die a copy.” ~John Mason

I can prove to you that you were born to be unique and in the arena of “different” is your greatest power that can help lead to your destiny. Let’s start with the physical.

Scientists have confirmed that every person has unique DNA. No two people are exactly alike in this area. There are traces of our parents there, but no one will ever have the exact genetic makeup of you. Fingerprints vary from one person to the next. Even in the case of identical twins, no set of fingerprints are exactly alike. In fact, the chances of duplicating even a portion of a fingerprint are 1 in 100 quintillion (one followed by 20 zeros)! From the DNA inside of us to the fingerprints on the outside, we each have our own unique imprint. We were created to be original.
Even our eyes lack the ability to be duplicated. The iris and retinal are so unique to each person that some federal agencies use retina scans for security and sole identity of a person!
Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity.
Viktor Frankl

So many of us settle for the life that we have, knowing deep down inside that we are not happy. We convince ourselves that this is as good as it gets as we stunt our own spiritual and emotional growth. We’re afraid to fail. We’re afraid to succeed. We are simply afraid.

“Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.” - William Newton Clark
The human spirit was not created to be …and is therefore never satisfied… with the status quo. Our spirit is capable of a hundred thousand times more than our minds or bodies and is constantly searching for that flame that burns bigger and bigger until our souls are consumed at last.
The human spirit is equally as unique as our physical form. Inside each of us is a calling and purpose this is unique …in part… because of our own experience, perspective and life lessons. Each of us are born with a calling, that never changes, no matter what. You were given special abilities and strengths to fulfill your purpose. Your spirit knows this, but your mind fights it. This is why it is so important to “feed our faith and starve our fears.” Faith is a total “spirit thing.” The mind can’t see it, can’t understand it and therefore reacts to the unknown with fear. But if your soul is crying out for something more, it is sending out an alert to you that there IS more. Remember, we are not a body with a soul, we are a soul with a body ~CS Lewis.
When God calls you to do something, he enables you to do it. - - Robert Schuller
So now that we know we were created to be different from everyone else, now what? Embrace it. Find your strengths and focus on them. Develop them. Pray for guidance. Get busy trying new things until you find something that fans your internal flame. Ask yourself, “what would I do if I knew that I couldn’t fail?” Build your faith. Feed your spirit. And don’t give in to fear.
Faith isn't the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It's simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step. - Joni Erickson Tada